TS-13: Central Heat Circulating Problems

Does the display show “Standby”?


Does the display show Central heat (CH) or DHW?


The boiler default is DHW priority. Turn off DHW by reducing the DHW water temp setting on indirect aquastat. Did display change to CH?


Turn up thermostats Did CH show up on the display?


Turn off the boiler switch to shut boiler down. After 10 Seconds or more turn the switch back on. Did CH show up on the display?


Remove the thermostat wires and place a jumper between the Heating Tstat terminals on the boiler terminal strip. Did the display show Central Heat (CH)?


Press the status button. Is the “Supply temperature” near or higher than the “Setpoint” water temperture?


Jumper the heating thermostat terminals on the low voltage circuit board. Did the boiler display Central heat?


Bad wire between the boiler and the thermostat. Replace wire.


Did the boiler start?


Are the thermostats wired to a zone panel, zone valves or a single thermostat?


When thermostats are turned up do the zone valves open?


When the thermostat demands heat do the zone lights come on?


Remove thermostat and jumper the R to W terminals. Do the zone light(s) come on?


This is normal that the burner is not firing. The temp is satisfied to setpoint temperature


Remove thermostat and jumper the R to W terminals. Did the boiler start?


Does the boiler fire and run?


Repair or replace the zone panel.


Check settings on thermostat, change batteries or replace thermostat


Jumper the zone valve end switch. Does the boiler fire?


Remove the wires from zone panel end switch that connects to the boiler and place them together or meter the end switch for continunity. Does the boiler fire and run?


Jumper the heating t-stat terminals on the boiler low voltage board. Does the boiler display change from standby to central heat?


Repair or replace zone valve


Do the corresponding circulator(s) start?


Defective wire, repair or replace


Check for 120Vac from the circulator terminals to the appropriate circ’s. Is 120Vac available at circ terminals?


Remove thermostat and jumper the R to W terminals. Did the zone valve open?


Is there 120Vac avilable at the circulator?


Is a System circulator wired to the boiler? Usually it would be if the system is zoned with Zone Valves and normally not if zoned with circulators unless there is only one heat zone.




While the boiler is in demand for heat is there 120Vac on the System circulator “L” terminal on the line voltage circuit board?


Check for 120V at the System circulator


Replace circulator


replace wire


Call Tech Services


There is a fuse on the line voltage PC board. Check the fuse by removing the fuse and ohm the fuse. Is the fuse blown?


Replace fuse. Did the fuse blow again?




Turn the boiler off. Disconnect the System and DHW circulator wires to the line voltage circuit board. Replace the fuse. Turn the boiler back on. Did the fuse blow again?


Turn the power off to the boiler and repalce the DHW circulator wires on the board and turn the boiler back on. If the fuse does not blow turn the boiler back off and do the system circ wire. Turn power back on, which connection blew the fuse?

TS Node Text

Check for 120Vac on the Sage2 control terminal J4-6. Is there voltage?


Replace the line voltage circuit board.


Check for 120Vac on the Sage2 control terminal J4-7. Is there voltage?
